Welcome to Year 4 with Miss Tea and Mrs Hanmer!
Year 4 is very important as we prepare ourselves ready for Year 5. We hold many responsibilities, such as Art Ambassador, School Council and Eco Warriors.
We aim for a fun year of learning and hard work to assist us in reaching our full potential. We are extremely lucky in Year 4 to have Mrs Tomlinson teaching us Ukulele all year. Providing opportunities to develop our music skills before showcasing them in assemblies to the whole school.
During Year 4, we will work hard to improve our reading, writing and maths skills. We will have a high focus on improving our multiplication and division skills in preparation for our end-of-year test. Year 4 has some very interesting History or Geography work based on "Anglo Saxons V Vikings, World Kitchen, Crime and Punishment, Rainforests and the Coast."
Year 4 Homework: Is given out on a Friday and includes practising their arithmetic test paper and daily reading. In addition to, completing online EdShed Spellings and Times Table RockStars to develop maths, spelling, retrieval and inference skills. They are also expected to read for pleasure and will have access to a library book. Please ensure the reading diary is signed regularly each week.
We have P.E on a Wednesday and Friday, and later in the year, we will have swimming too. Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E Kit on these days.
Look out for our activities on Twitter, as we regularly update this.