Nonsuch Primary School

Welcome to our website

Wood Leasow, Woodgate Valley,
Birmingham B32 3SE


Please check out the winning posters on our attendance page. Well done to everyone!



A high-quality computing education programme should equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and programming. Here at Nonsuch, we ensure this is studied by following the Kapow framework. Knowledge and understanding are built upon year on year across each of the key threads running through the computing curriculum: computing and networks, programming, creating media, data handling and online safety. 


Pupils across key stages 1 and 2 are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. They are able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology to solve problems. The Kapow Framework identifies what knowledge and understanding pupils are expected to gain at each year group. There are clear end-points for each unit with specific knowledge and skills upon which students’ progress to the next level of study – consolidation and extension of learning moves through each unit. The programme of study additionally consists of exploring technical vocabulary to enhance children's understanding.

Computing documents - click the links below:


Online Safety Curriculum: 

Online Safety is an essential aspect of the computing curriculum. Children will develop their awareness and understanding of online safety through an online safety day with lessons about keeping safe online. The content delivered is shown through the knowledge organisers attached below for each year group. Parents are also updated about online safety through information sent in the weekly newsletter.



Internet safety links: